Queer Dark Thrillers

24th Day, The

movie      fiction

  • 24th Day, The
  • Author: Tony Piccirillo
  • Director: Tony Piccirillo
  • Producer: Liliana Lovell and Nick Stagliano
  • Year: 2004
  • Country: US
  • 96 minutes

One of the few gay/AIDS vengeance fantasy movies.

movie cover

After inviting Dan home from the bar to his apartment and having a couple of drinks, Tom attacks him, ties him to a chair, and takes a sample of his blood to get tested for the AIDS virus. Tom tells Dan that if he is HIV positive, he will kill him.

Qvamp says:

This film is very realistic and well presented; providing insights and responses to the many ways people act in finding out that they've become HIV+. Though there are really only two characters in the film, the film carries you along nicely. Throughout the film you understand what is driving both men and feel for them both, though you may disagree strongly with the way they both act.

Not a horror film by any stretch, but a great addition to the area of queer dark thrillers.

Rating B-
Queer Vampire Rating B+
Amount of Gay Content making out


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