E-mail QVamp

If you have any questions, comments or additions you'd like to make to the site, please feel free to contact us at QueerHorror.com. Before you write, though, we ask that you double check a couple of things.

If you're writing about a book or movie that you haven't seen here, please remember that the site is divided up into a lot of different parts. If it's not under the section you were looking in, it could be in one of the other sections. The quickest way to determine if it's already been included on the site is to check its title in the search engine.

If you're writing about something else, please make sure that it has not already been answered in the Frequently Asked Questions page. Also, remember you can leave your own thoughts by logging in and leaving a review, leaving a message on the BBS or adding your own link to the link page.

Otherwise, we're glad to hear from you. Please feel free to write to use at: qvamp@queerhorror.com.

NOTE: Like most other email accounts, we have spam filtering in place. It is possible that your message might get caught up in a spam filter and was unable to reach us. Because we get so much spam, it is almost impossible to guarentee that your email will get read if that happens. If you feel your email might have been lost, please write back to verify, and hopefully we'll get that email.
