Queer Dark Thrillers

Devil Inside, The

book      fiction

  • Devil Inside, The
  • Author: Randy Boyd
  • Publisher: West Beach Books
  • Year: 2002
  • Country: US
  • 251 pages

the general premise of the book is about child molestation

book cover

Perfect catch or pure evil? You have 72 hours to figure it out - go!

Kordell Christie is a respected gay businessman. Mario Cervantes is a childhood friend who reappears out of the blue. On the surface, the two men get along great, but Mario's memory is a little hazy, his behavior a little strange and his dark secrets linked to a bizarre and twisted world that could become Kordell's - and the gay community's - worst nightmare.

A day into their reunion, Mario is accused of being a sex offender. Mario insists he’s innocent; Kordell wants to believe him. Together, the two men go on the run to investigate the source of the accusations, embarking on a frenetic journey up and down the Central California coast, encountering some very sinister forces hidden amidst the picturesque mountains outside Santa Barbara (if you haven’t read it, don’t ask. If you have read it, don’t tell).

Qvamp says:

A disturbing novel about the future of programming homosexuals to think that they're straight using technology and no scruples whatsoever. Considering the subject matter, a surprisingly engaging story.

An unusual aspect of this book is that the main characters are all of different races. The three heroes are African, Hispanic and Asian, and are all openly gay.

Rating B
Queer Vampire Rating B
Amount of Gay Content sex


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