Queer Dark Thrillers

Red Headed Wipe Out, The

book      fiction

  • Red Headed Wipe Out, The
  • Author: Christopher Ford
  • Publisher: GX, Inc.
  • Year: 1973
  • Country: US
  • 186 pages
book cover

Amnesia can be very helpful at times -- being able to forget those messy mistakes and the wrong pickups.

But what happens to those you'd like to remember? Imagine drawing a blank over a young, godlike stud with every muscle in place. Top this with a homicidal maniac on the loose -- with an identity no one can trace!!

Qvamp says:

In this gay pulp novel, a man without a memory tried to follow clues to help him find out who he is, having a lot of sex along the way.

The men he sleeps with all end up being violently murdered, and he is barely staying one step ahead of the cops... which is difficult when he forgets everything about himself after each murder occurs.

If you like old thriller pulps, this story is okay. Otherwise, it's probably not worth reading.

Rating C-
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