Queer Dark Thrillers

Slice of Terror, A

movie      fiction

movie cover

Zaffo is a part-time janitor, part-time pizza delivery man. A group of teens force Zaffo to engage in homoerotic degradation at the schoolyard, the last straw in Zaffo’s level of tolerance.

Consulting a psychic (the Amazing Robaire), and getting advice from an outrageously effeminate and gay pizza customer (in a cameo by Bobby Trendy), Zaffo 'delivers' his payback. He makes the boys pay for their words and actions, utilizing hypnosis, trigger words, pizza cutters, and a pas de deux of death. Zaffo makes an 'extra large pie' to satiate his appetite for the ultimate settling of scores.

No one escapes the wrath of the disgruntled employee or the terror he serves one slice at a time. Whether it be from the dumpster, on the playground, or in an old, dilapidated shack, Zaffo will show everyone what it feels like to be humiliated.

Qvamp says:

This movie claims to be a 'gay satire on horror films,' but unfortunately there is not much satirical about it, it is poorly created with virtually no coherence to the plot, and a cast made up of two-dimensional stereotypes.

In spite of the fact that this movie is entirely populated with gay characters, the movie has a bit of homophobia in it when the main character 'humiliates' the bullies who picked on him by hypnotizing them and forcing them to have gay sex.

This movie is not recommended.

Rating D-
Queer Vampire Rating D-
Amount of Gay Content sex


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