Queer Dark Thrillers

Silence of the Lambs

movie      fiction

  • Silence of the Lambs
  • Author: Thomas Harris and Ted Tally
  • Director: Jonathan Demme
  • Producer: Gary Goetzman
  • Year: 1991
  • Country: US
  • 118 minutes
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A novice FBI agent must track down a serial killer who puts women down in a pit, tortures them and removes their skin to make dresses. Her only help? The killer's former psychiatrist who likes to eat people.

Qvamp says:

A classic movie staring Jodie Foster as detective Clarice Starling and focusing on a killer psychologist Hannibal the Cannibal. Hannibal helps lead Clarice to a killer who is stalking large woman and taking their skins.

The killer, is certainly a transvestite who also admits to killing his male lover. This movie really pissed on GLAAD in their portrayal of queer characters as psychopathic killers.

Rating A
Queer Vampire Rating C-
Amount of Gay Content alluded to


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User Ratings

By: condreye b. ( davidhd54@earthlink.net )
Overall Rating: A     Queer thriller Rating: C    

As much the story of Clarice Starling's triumph as a serial killer story, the fault of the Jame Gumb character must be laid at feet of author Thomas Harris. He doesn't give us a character, he gives us a collection of traits that don't add up. This is really more of a woman's picture. You should see the cut used by Lifetime.


By: Kalima ( hanshan101@comcast.com )
Overall Rating: A+     Queer thriller Rating: C+    

Dr. Lecter is the nicest, kindest and most helpful of all the people Clarice meets, but you wouldn't want him over for dinner now, would you?


By: ms. Sexy ( mmarcus@danahall.org )
Overall Rating: A+     Queer thriller Rating: B    

Oh my goodness, in spite of the subject matter, I have to admit that this was one of the funniest movie ever. Though I am sure that it wasn't exactly supposed to be.



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