Queer Horror

Light as a Feather

tv      fiction

  • Light as a Feather
  • Author: various
  • Director: various
  • Producer: Scott Levine
  • Year: 2018
  • Country: United States
  • 23 minutes
tv cover Other images

The series follows five teen girls as they deal with the supernatural fallout stemming from an innocent game of \"Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.\" When the girls start dying off in the exact way that was predicted, the survivors must figure out why they're being targeted - and whether the evil force hunting them down is one of their own.

Qvamp says:

One of the main characters, Alex, is openly lesbian. This is done easily, where no one makes a big deal about this.

Rating C
Queer Vampire Rating C+
Amount of Gay Content same-sex relationship


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