Queer Horror

Dark, The

book      fiction

  • Dark, The
  • Author: James Herbert
  • Publisher: New English Library
  • Year: 1980
  • Country: UK
  • 314 pages

slightly homophobic

book cover

It came like a malignant shadow numbing people's minds with icy tendrils of blackness and seductively whispered promises of infinite power. And somewhere in the night

... a beautiful little girl set her home ablaze and watched, smiling while her mother burned.

... the inmates of an asylum slaughtered their attendants and set out on a senseless rampage of bloody destruction.

... the slimy tunnels of the London sewer system echoed with the dragging footsteps of creatures that had once been human, but were now gathering to make war on mankind.
... all over the city - in private homes, quiet parks, a jam-packed soccer stadium, on the roads and streets - madness raged as the lights began to dim, fade, and go out, and humanity was relentlessly attacked by an ancient, unstoppable evil... the dark!

Qvamp says:

An okay horror book, but not the most positive portrayal of gays. An evil cult is linked with homosexuality as well as rape, torture and murder. A number of guys, including one gay one, are raped by other men.

Rating B+
Queer Vampire Rating C+
Amount of Gay Content sex


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