Queer Horror

Prison of the Dead

movie      fiction

  • Prison of the Dead
  • Author: Matthew Jason Walsh
  • Director: Victoria Sloan
  • Producer: Full Moon Releasing
  • Year: 2000
  • Country: US
  • 90 minutes
movie cover

An eccentric rich kid tricks his high school friends into getting back together for a reunion, of sorts, under the pretense of a funeral. The group of twenty-somethings is forced to spend the night in an old, abandoned witches' prison. During an Ouija Board séance, the schoolmates accidentally unearth three undead executioners from their graves. A little confused, but quite a bit angry, the Crypt Keepers initiate a killing spree that will only end when everyone is dead. Fortunately, the schoolmates all work black. Too bad it's for their own funerals.

Qvamp says:

Strange and hard to follow, but quite a surprise when it comes to horror movies. First off, this movie is not scary at all, and relies heavily on the 'colored oatmeal dripping out of faked wounds' sort of gore. There's no real plot, no character development and a set straight out of a film student's project.

But in spite of this, the movie does have quite a bit of merit. While this movie is cheap b-movie horror fodder, it is the most progressive one of that genre. The men in the movie are openly bisexual, and two of them talk about having slept together previously. Essentially this comes out of nowhere, as the boys are not given to stereotypical traits leading you to suspect their alternative proclivities.

Rating D-
Queer Vampire Rating C+
Amount of Gay Content alluded to


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