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Voodoo Academy |
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The head-mistress and the Reverend have lured these innocent souls to their college with one goal in mind, to transform them into living voodoo dolls for presentation to a dark power. After six such sacrifices the power will grant them an unstoppable army of the dead.
A boy enrolls in this college soon strange things start happening to him and his dorm-mates. At night, the boys start having nightmares (or wet dreams) and quickly head off to the mistress' room. The boy begins to get suspicious and discovers her dark designs.
Qvamp says: Early in the film we watch what appears to be a seduction, some woman in a lacy outfit playing with her boy toy. Things look promising, but looks can be very deceiving. Shortly we embark on what the movie is actually about; young men in their underpants. No overt gay content, but somewhat homoerotic in an Abercrombie sort of way. |
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Director DeCoteau was known in the 1980's and 1990's as one of the premiere autuers of barely dressed bimbos running around haunted houses and taking unnecessary showers, etc. As the 90's came to an end, his work started showing more of the boys unclothing, with VERY subtle homosexual undertones working their way into the storylines. With VOODOO ACADEMY, (the DVD - NOT the vhs version), he goes full blown (no pun intended) homo-erotica.
The boys... er, young men... are featured in their underwear so often doing naughty things... like simulated masturbation on their cotts, in the bathtub and even in church confessionals (so going to Hell for that one), it 'almost' embarasses even gay men to be watching.... almost. But one hot scene after another... my personal fave arriving when a priest massages one of the studs while he's bathing (if my mother reads this I'm so not going to be on her happy list).
As a horror film it's not overly scary, but DeCoteau does work some nice suspense into the events. As a 'horror film made for 'girls'' (puh-leeeze... we know what kind of 'girls' he's referring to)it's heaven.
Word has it the DVD (again, skip the VHS edition at Blockbuster) was one of distirbutor Full Moon's biggest hits, and a sequel is in the works.
By: Blair ( blair_k@excite.com )
Well, let's start off with the obvious--'Voodoo Academy' really blew. Overall, it gets a D. It doesn't get an F because it has Riley Smith, who is a competent actor and Huntley Ritter,who is my new lovah. I wish.
As for homoerotica, well, it gets a big old A because of all the guys in their BVDs and their obvious dedication to the song 'I Touch Myself.' I understand the movie was trimmed of a few minutes for being 'too gay,' but that lost footage is on the DVD and possibly the Lunar edition of the movie offered by Full Moon.
By: hellboy ( crazyhellboy@yahoo.com )
This movie is so awful it's awesome! The Bible college consists of six pretty virgin boys, one headmistress and one creepy looking Reverend. The boys drink wine that makes them all touchy-feely and are slowly being changed into voodoo dolls. The dialogue is overdone and tries to explain everything (I guess that supposed to be character development) it can in less than two hours.
The special effects are lousy, I can do them in After Effects 4 and the makeup on Debra Mayer looked like it was bought at a local Pick and Save. But somehow this is overlooked as the clunky dialogue and wooden acting [with the exception of Riley Smith] combined with the attractive young men give the movie a charm of it's own. I was a Web Design major but I changed my major to Film after seeing this movie. I love this movie!
By: vampireboi ( vampireboi1@sbcglobal.net )
The movie was funny, but there was not much horror in it, just really hot boys in underwear. There should have been more interaction between the boys as they obviously had a lot of crushes on each other. To me it was a typical teen movie, with no real horror. I mean come on - voodoo and spells? Lets get to blood, gore and lots of surprises. Get rid of the seductress preying on the young boys and maybe change it to a hot guy preying on them.
By: teacher27278 ( teacher27278@yahoo.com )
If you're interested in seeing lots of cute boys running around in their underwear, then this is the movie for you. If you want to see a plot, go elsewhere.
By: Todd Surfs ( toddsurfslbca@yahoo.com )
OMG! David Decoteau rules!
The scene where all the boys in the dorm room are writing in their sleep, clad only in brief or boxers that display everything, is epic, classic, and erotic as all hell.
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