Queer Horror


movie      fiction

  • Deathtrap
  • Author: Iva Levin and Jay Presson Allen
  • Director: Sidney Lumet
  • Producer: Burtt Harris
  • Year: 1982
  • Country: US
  • 118 minutes
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If you were a famed mystery playwright with a devastating string of recent flops, what would you do for a can't-miss thriller script? Beg for it? Pay for it? Pray for it? Kill for it?

Qvamp says:

Listed as a thriller, this movie is still close enough to horror to be included. Plus, seeing Christopher Reeve play a gay man makes it all worth while. A classic.

This movie was known as having 'the ten-million-dollar kiss' - the revenue the producers believe they lost as a result of daring to show it.

Rating B
Queer Vampire Rating B+
Amount of Gay Content same-sex relationship


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