Queer Ghosts

Semenhole Texas

movie      fiction

  • Semenhole Texas
  • Author: Thornton Grey
  • Director: Thornton Grey
  • Producer: Grey Rose Productions
  • Year: 2003
  • Country: US
  • 80 minutes

card play gets 'whipped' and 'raped', both badly faked.

movie cover

Two muscle boys stumble into what they believe is a completely deserted ghost town. Little do they know that the inhabitants have been hanging around having sex for over one hundred years.

Qvamp says:

This is 'barely' related to ghosts. One character is called a ghost in the credits, and there are some transitions where the characters fade in/out, but nothing else. Maybe there was meant to be more... there is some strange dialog that makes no sense.

Rating D-
Queer Vampire Rating D+
Amount of Gay Content porn


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