Queer Demons

Sentinel, The

book      fiction

  • Sentinel, The
  • Author: Jeffrey Konvitz
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Year: 1974
  • Country: US
  • 315 pages
book cover

A young model returns to New York to find herself trapped in an age-old battle
between the Catholic Church and Satan's loathsome evil. After renting an
apartment in a peculiar brownstone, strange and terrifying things begin happening
to her, and Alison discovers that her apartment building is actually the gateway
between Earth and Hell.

Qvamp says:

Two of Alison's neighbors are abusive and obscene lesbians who
turn out to be part of Satan's legions of hell. Though the
actual damnable crimes committed by the lesbians aren't any
worse than any other of the demons, they are portrayed, and
treated, as exceptionally vile.

The book was later turned into a fairly awful href='/demon/items/664.html'>movie.

Rating C
Queer Vampire Rating D-
Amount of Gay Content same-sex relationship


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