- In 1999, we are seeing a slight 'niceness' towards GLBT folks
- Best overall
- The Wolves
of Kromer - This movie explored the parallels between coming
out as queer and coming out as a monster. Overall, this was engaging
and insightful. Very recommended.
- Most Fun
- South Park
- Bigger, Longer & Uncut - You've got to enjoy a quintet
that includes a relationship between a (male) Satan and Saddam
- Recommended
- Ragdoll - The
most interesting addition to gay, black, horror culture to hit
movies ever. This film while not exactly gay-positive, hit a
target audience that needed to be hit and included a stereotypical,
but extremely bad-ass, gay role-model.
- The Velocity
of Gary - Not many horror flicks deal with AIDS in an adult manner.
This film does and, for that, is highly recommended. Not horror
by any stretch, but it does include mention of vampires.
1999 Award Nominations