Queer Vampyres

Dracula's Daughter

movie      fiction

  • Dracula's Daughter
  • AKA:
    Daughter of Dracula
  • Author: Garrett Fort
  • Director: Lambert Hillyer
  • Producer: E.M. Asher
  • Year: 1936
  • Country: US
  • 70 minutes
movie cover

Dracula is dead, and his smart, cultured daughter (Gloria Holden) is not interested in carrying on her father's evil ways. She seeks the advice of a doctor (Otto Kruger) to help her cure her vampirism. Showing her human side, she falls in love with him, and sets out to wrest him away from his fiancée as her bloodlust becomes too difficult to control.

Qvamp says:

Credited as the first lesbian vampire movie, though it does not have any overt lesbian content. The film's most famous scene has Holden painting (she's also an artist) a young, depressed streetwalker. She seems attracted to the half-naked girl and ends up seducing her with her eyes and draining her blood. There wouldn't be a more explicit lesbian scene in a vampire film until Roger Vadim's Blood and Roses, made 24 years later.

Rating A
Queer Vampire Rating A
Amount of Gay Content lightly homoerotic


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