Queer Vampyres


book      fiction

  • Lovedeath
  • Editor: Dan Simmons
  • Publisher: Warner Books, Inc.
  • Year: 1993
  • Country: US
  • 310 pages
book cover

This fine collection of five novellas shows off Simmons' range of styles: a literary tale of a man and his daughter on a scary mountainside; a Bram Stoker Award-winning horror tale about female vampires in Thailand; a semi-horrific Native American story about a young Sioux who undertakes various trials in order to become holy; a dark science fiction tale about a drug that has pernicious effects on society; and a harrowing, ambitious tale about the horrors of World War I.

Qvamp says:

'Dying in Bangkok' provides an early, and interesting, merging of HIV and vampires.

Rating C
Queer Vampire Rating C-
Amount of Gay Content same-sex relationship

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