Queer Vampyres

Modern Vampires

movie      fiction

  • Modern Vampires
  • AKA:
    Revenant (UK video title)
    Revenant - Sie kommen in der Nacht (Germany)
    Revenant: Vampiros modernos (Spain)
    Sie kommen bei Nacht (Germany, cable TV title)
    The Revenant (USA, working title)
    Vampiros Modernos (Brazil, cable TV title)
    Vamps (Philippines)
  • Author: Matthew Bright
  • Director: Richard Elfman
  • Producer: Chris Hanley, Brad Wyman
  • Year: 1998
  • Country: US
  • 91 minutes
movie cover

Count Dracula is in L.A., running a hideous club scene, and he's angry that a rogue vampire, posing as a streetwalker, is slashing. He's also unhappy that Dallas, a youthful undead and former protégé, is in town. The rogue slasher, Nico, serendipitously picks Dallas as a victim; after discovering each other's nature, they become lovers.

In fear of the Count, Dallas's coterie urges him to kill Nico, but he refuses. Meanwhile, a Viennese vampire hunter, Van Helsing, arrives in L.A. and hires the Crips to help him. They're soon following Nico and Dallas. When they capture her, Dallas wants to deal: spare Nico and he'll lead the hunters to Dracula. It's time for stake and bake.

Qvamp says:

Though Caspar Van Diem makes an incredibly hot vampire, this is a pretty awful movie. It is one of the few where you get to watch a decaying vampire get gang-banged -- ultimately transmitting vampirism as an STD.

It is alluded to that all vampires here are bisexual, but only the female ones actually show same-sex affection, sharing passionate kisses. Main character Nico seems to have chosen a friend and lover in mortal Rachael, though she also wants to be with her sire Dallas.

Rating D+
Queer Vampire Rating D
Amount of Gay Content kissing


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