Queer Horror

The 2006 Queer Horror Awards

2006 showed the a marked increase in GLBT horror items encorporated into the mainstream.

Best overall
Torchwood (various directors)
While not necessarily the best acted show on television, this British scifi series is entertaining and filled with surprises. It also wins the overall category by being the only show on TV where every major character is shown to have 'non-straight' tendencies.

Best novel
A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison
An intriguing storyline coupled with a main character starting to question her own sexuality.

Best short story collection
Triptych of Terror by John Michael Curlovich, Michael Rowe and David Thomas Lord.
Three intriguing short stories dealing with unusual aspects of gay horror.

Best film/short
Creatures of the Pink Lagoon, by Chris Diani and Basil Harris
A humorous look at 1950s era gay zombie movie.

Best TV
Torchwood (various directors)
A British series spun off from the also nomineed Doctor Who.

2006 Award Nominations



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